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Week at a Glance (Jan. 13-17)

It has been a great week back after the break! Students have been getting back into the routines and enjoying the beautiful weather outside. We are excited to have our French Open House and Cultural evening happening next week. This will be an amazing evening, and we want to extend the invitation to our school families! With new student registration just around the corner (Feb. 1), we would love any upcoming kindergarten families who are considering French Immersion to come by for this event. If you know families who are considering registration in French Immersion, please let them know about Tuesday night. It is a chance for them to get a peak in the school, meet our French Immersion staff and our admin team, and to ask any questions they may have, while enjoying a fun filled evening.

French Winter Carnaval Open House: A French-Canadian Cultural Celebration
This coming Tuesday, January 14 from 6:00-7:30 p.m., HHE is hosting an evening of French activities, for our families and future families to come check out. 

We would like to invite our current, new, and potential French Immersion families to special evening filled with various cultural activities, crafts, and performers. Throughout our school year we offer various cultural and language experiences to our students.  We would now like to extend this opportunity out to our greater school community. 

Special guests and activities include:

  • A proud French-Canadian, Roger Dallaire, is a musician and storyteller.  He works extensively in schools and uses marionettes and spoons to share his love of the French-Canadian culture with audiences.  
  • Daniel Gervais is a French-Canadian Grand Master Fiddle Champion. With 10 years of experience presenting to schools and leading workshops, Daniel will share his love of French-Canadian folk music with our school community.
  • In the style of Cirque du Soleil, Cirquetastique will bring us various circus activities such as plate spinning and various juggling activities to try as a family. 
  • Les Délices d'Érable will be on site to provide a taste of French Canadiana with maple syrup taffy. Maple syrup will be poured on snow for participants to roll on sticks to make their own delicious lollipops. Maple taffy is a part of traditional culture in Quebec and a popular activity during winter carnival. 
  • Canadian Parents for French will be on-site to provide current and future French Immersion parents with valuable insights on how to support their children along their journey to becoming bilingual. 
  • A table with information about DELF.

Track Team

The HHE Coyotes track team tryouts are well underway! We had an overwhelming interest for our first day of tryouts on January 6th, with 90 students in grades 4 to 6 in attendance (!!). Because of the large number, we split the next two tryouts into boys only and girls only sessions. The girls only tryout took place on January 8th. Please note that on Monday, January 13th at lunch hour, it will be a BOYS ONLY tryout. 

A list of students moving on to the next tryout will be posted on the glass wall of the gym on Tuesday, Jan. 14th. If your child’s name is on this list, they are asked to attend the next tryout on Wednesday, January 15th at 7:30 a.m. Please arrive on time and ready to run, with appropriate indoor running shoes, comfortable clothing, and a water bottle! 

Practice days and times: Mondays at lunch hour (in the gym) and Wednesdays at 7:30 a.m. (meet at the top of the stairs). There may be additional practices if scheduling allows.

IMPORTANT DATES (team members must commit to being available on these dates):
- Monday, February 10th: practice night at U of A Butterdome from 5 - 6:30 p.m. (this time may change slightly) It will be the parents’ responsibility to get their track athlete(s) to and from the Butterdome. Ride-sharing is encouraged.
- Friday, February 21st from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m: competition day (preliminaries)! Bussing to and from the school will be provided.
- Saturday, March 8th (if teams qualify): Running Room Indoor Games Finals! 
Note: this is a full day that starts at 9:15 a.m, and the end time is TBD, depending on how far the athletes advance. Parent transportation is required to and from the event. A Running Room Games Indoor Waiver of Liability MUST be signed and returned to us for ALL participants (including alternates) prior to participation in the event. This will be sent home with the athlete once teams are made.

Grade 5 & 6 Basketball Teams

The Grade 5 & 6 Boys and the Grade 6 Girl's Teams are now posted outside the school gym. We have had another parent step up to help with coaching, so we are going to be starting our Grade 5 Girl's team this week (Thursday at Lunch). M. Ayuen will be coaching two teams to make this happen. If there are any other parents able and willing to help out with the teams, we would really appreciate it. Please contact the school to let us know. 

Here is a quick glance at what is happening next week:

Monday / lundi
  • No Ukulele Ensemble
  • Running tryouts @ lunch recess (Gr. 4-6)- BOYS only
Tuesday / mardi
  • Lego Club @ lunch recess (1P, 2M & 3H)
  • Learn to Play Chess @ lunch recess (for any students who are interested in learning how to play and don't know how)
  • French Winter Carnaval Open House @ 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Wednesday / mercredi
  • Running tryouts continue @ 7:30 a.m. (for those students posted on Tuesday)
  • Lego Club @ lunch recess (1O, 1W, 2B & 3L)
  • Basketball: Grade 6 Practice @ lunch recess
Thursday / jeudi
  • French Immersion Gr. 4- French games club @lunch recess
  • Lego Club @ lunch recess (1T, 2K & 3C)
  • Learn to Play Chess @ lunch recess (for any students who are interested in learning how to play and don't know how)
  • Basketball: Grade 5 Practice @ lunch recess (Boy's team & interested Girls)
  • Hot Lunch (Kindergarten)- Nitza's Pizza
Friday / vendredi
  • French Immersion Gr. 5- French games club @lunch recess
  • Hot Lunch (Kindergarten- Grade 6)- Nitza's Pizza
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