HHE Hot Lunch Program

2024-2025 Hot Lunch Program

The HHE Fundraising Association runs a hot lunch program throughout the year, with different providers .   We tend to offer the same hot lunch on 2 days; one for the ECS (kindergarten class) and the other day for the entire school, so that both kindergarten classes get the opportunity to have hot lunch.

You will need to register your child(ren) in Healthy Hunger at www.Healthyhunger.ca before placing your first order.  If you wish to donate a hot lunch for someone you can also add that onto your order.

Upcoming Hot Lunches

January 16 - ECS only -Nitza's Pizza  Deadline to Order: January 11th

January 17 - Entire School - Nitza's Pizza  Deadline to Order:  January 12th

January 22 - ECS only - Subway -  Deadline to Order: January 17th

January 24 - Entire School  Deadline to Order:   January 19th

February 12 - ECS only - deadline to order: February 7th

February 14 - Entire school - deadline to order: February 9th

February 20 - TREAT DAY - ECS only - deadline to order: February 15th

February 21 - TREAT DAY - Entire School - deadline to order: February 16th

February 27 - ECS only -  Deadline to Order:  February 22nd

February 28 - Entire School  Deadline to Order:  February 23rd







If you have any questions or concerns, please email the hot lunch coordinator at HHEhotlunch@gmail.com. Happy Ordering. 


Universal Hot Lunch Fund:                                                                                                Did you know there is a universal hot lunch fund to assist families who can’t afford the special lunch at this time. If you would like to access the fund, please email hhehotlunch@gmail.com.  You can also donate towards this fund, by adding it to your hot lunch order.


** Please note: if your child is absent and you would like to pick up their order you MUST email hhehotlunch@gmail.com BEFORE 10:00am and it will be available AFTER 1:00pm at the office. Please do not come earlier as it disrupts the distribution to the classes.