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Week at a Glance (Oct. 7-11)

Read In Week is taking place this coming week. The theme is Reading is for Everyone. We have a variety of activities happening this week.

Parents are welcome to contact their classroom teacher if they would like to read a story to their child’s class during this week.  

If students are seen reading on their own time by HHE staff, they will receive a ticket for a prize that will be drawn the following Monday. Have Fun Reading! 

Mornings- Doors Locked
The doors to the school are locked at all times. If students arrive at school after the morning bell, they will need to enter through the front doors. The teachers are not able to wait by the doors for students, even if they are only a couple minutes late, as they need to supervise their class as they come inside.

No Dogs on School Property
We have noticed a few dogs at drop off and pick up on our school property and we wanted to remind everyone that dogs are not permitted on school property. Please see our division's Administrative Procedure on this. Thank you for your cooperation with this!

Halloween Family Dance
Save the date for our Halloween Dance on Friday, October 25 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.

This is a family-friendly event that will include a DJ, door prizes, cash concession and prizes for best costumes! Tickets will be $2/person at the door, kids under the age of 5 are free. Please bring cash for tickets, we will not be able to accept debit or credit cards.

We can't wait to see you in your costumes for this spooktacular event!

Here is a quick glance at what is happening next week:

Monday / lundi
  • PJ Day! Wear your PJs, favourite slippers & bring a stuffie
  • Kindergarten - Little Elk Island Adventures
  • Grade 1-6 - Bus Evacuation Drill
  • Grade 4-6 - Ukulele Ensemble @ lunch recess
Tuesday / mardi
  • Guest Speaker from Strathcona County Library
Wednesday / mercredi
  • Jersey Day
  • Drop Everything And Read (DEAR)
Thursday / jeudi
  • Picture Re-takes for ECS- Grade 
  • Reading with students from Haythorne & Bev Facey
  • French Immersion Grade 4- French Games Club @ lunch recess 
Friday / vendredi
  • Picture Re-takes for ECS
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